Who we are
What is ANA
Asaba National Association USA (ANA) is a Not-For-Profit organization of well-meaning Asaba people from Delta State, Nigeria, who reside in the United States of America (USA).
ANA has the purpose and objectives allowed under section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, which shall include the following.
To educate the people of Asaba on the importance of instituting enduring democratic and cultural processes and the rule of law for the betterment of all people of Asaba.
To liaise with international organizations or organizations located within the United States of America, Nigeria, Delta State, and Asaba for purposes of pursuing the objectives of ANA.
To organize and oversee from time to time, unilaterally or jointly with other ANA local chapters, institutions, corporations, or groups of well-meaning individuals, charitable events, workshops, seminars, and public lectures to create awareness and growth in education, health, preservation of culture and the general wellbeing of Asaba people here in the United States and at Asaba.
To engage in such other programs or activities within the realm of the law that promote and preserve our cultural values, enhance diversity, lift our people from the ills of poverty, and advance the objectives of ANA.
To engage in business activity(ies) from which the proceeds are utilized for charitable purposes.
ANA Motto : "People helping people beyond tomorrow"
Our Mission
To promote activities which enhance the growth and advancement of education, culture, human services, the environment and healthcare.
Our Vision
To eliminate the cycle of desperation and poverty, bring hope and dignity to members of our community